Researchers and PhD students from UQ have partnered with industry and government to work on materials selection in the Networked Future Augmented Small-arms Technologies (N-FAST) Defence technologies program.
A passion and curiosity for the earth’s atmosphere and beyond led University of Queensland graduand Clint Therakam to pursue a degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
15 students recently traveled to Japan to learn about advanced manufacturing processes around electric vehicles and the opportunities this creates for Australia's future engineers.
UQ researchers have worked with the Minerals Council of Australia and Mining Education Australia to develop a new 3D digital game for Minecraft's Education Edition.
Australian engineering companies committed to a more equitable gender balance for the engineering industry are reaping the rewards of their efforts to help build and support the pipeline of female talent entering the field.
Melting metals from scrapped electronic devices are among solutions for the sustainable supply of critical materials being investigated by University of Queensland researchers.
Professor Ross McAree spoke with Triple J’s Hack program to unpack the impact of automation on jobs in the coal mining industry. Listen from 05:30 to hear from him.
A sustainable energy expert and distinguished alumni are among the roll call of University of Queensland community members recognised in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Researchers from UQ have found that householders are confused and there is concern across industry and government around issues such as energy pricing, power reliability and carbon emissions.
UQ's Women in Engineering team has joined forces with community organisation Engineers Without Borders on a road trip across Queensland's Darling Downs, sharing valuable insights about careers in STEM with high school teenagers from the bush.
A team of University of Queensland researchers will join forces with 40 other organisations to form a new cooperative research centre (CRC), set to improve Australian seafood and offshore renewable energy production.
Construction of the $125 million UQ Warwick Solar Farm is under way, bringing an injection of economic activity to the town and the Darling Downs region.
The top-performing five per cent of students across EAIT were recognised and celebrated for their leadership in the University’s community and for their academic achievements.
Breakthrough artificial intelligence developed in Queensland could improve insulin dosing for diabetics and transform the way aeroplane engine wear-and-tear is monitored.
UQ engineering student Harri Jones is quickly establishing himself as one of Queensland’s up-and-coming motorsport stars, while achieving outstanding results on his way to an engineering degree.