Our graduates
Browse Hypersonics graduates research from 1986 to present.
- Phillip Swann (PhD, 2020. Investigation into Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow heat transfer for supercritical carbon dioxide turbomachinery. Supervisor: Jahn)
- Sam Stennett (PhD, 2020. Development of an Extended Test Time Operating Mode for a Large Refected Shock Tunnel Facility. Supervisor: Gildfind)
- Jens Kunze (PhD, 2020. Design of a 3D shape transitioning nozzle and experimental thrust measurements of an airframe integrated scramjet.Supervisor: Smart)
- Kyle Damm (PhD, 2020. Adjoint-based aerodynamic design optimisation in hypersonic flow.Supervisor: Gollan)
- Andreas Andrianatos (PhD, 2020. Ground Testing at Superorbital Flight Conditions in a Large Scale Expansion Tube.Supervisor: Gildfind)
- Ranjith Ravichandran (PhD, 2019. Ablation and radiation in super-orbital re=entry flows. Supervisor: Morgan)
- Augusto Fontan Moura (PhD, 2019. Investigation of supersonic turbulent combustion in a Mach 10 scramjet engine. Supervisor: Jahn) Currently a Product Development Engineer at Avibras, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
- Nicholas Gibbons (PhD, 2019. Simulation and dynamics of hypersonic turbulent combustion. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently a Research Fellow at UQ.
- Pierpaolo Toniato (PhD, 2019. Free-jet testing of a Mach 12 scramjet in an expansion tube. Supervisor: Gildfind) Currently a Development Engineer at Rocket Factory Augsburg, Germany.
- Sreekanth Raghunath (PhD, 2018. Prediction of the extent of the transition zone in hypersonic flows. Supervisor: Mee) Currently an IoT Data Scientist at MANN+HUMMEL Group, Singapore.
- Christopher James (PhD, 2018. Radiation from simulated atmospheric entry into the gas giants. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Fellow at UQ.
- Will Landsberg (PhD, 2018. Improving performance of high Mach number scramjets: fuelling strategies and combustor design. Supervisor: Veeraragavan) Currently a Research Fellow at UQ.
- Dawid Preller (PhD, 2018. Multidisciplinary design and optimisation of a pitch trimmed hypersonic airbreathing accelerating vehicle. Supervisor: Smart) Currently co-Director of Australian Droid + Robot, Brisbane.
- Tamara Sopek (PhD, 2018. Temperature measurements in hypervelocity flows using thermally-assisted laser-induced fluorescence. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Oxford University.
- Sangdi Gu (PhD, 2018. Mars entry afterbody radiative heating: an experimental study of nonequilibrium CO2 expanding flow. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Fellow at Aachen University, Germany.
- Tristan Vanyai (PhD, 2018. Experimental Investigation of a 3D Thermal Compression Scramjet Using Advanced Optical Techniques. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently Research Fellow at UQ.
- Juan R. Llobet (PhD, 2018. Numerical and experimental investigation of hypersonic streamwise vortices and their effect on mixing. Supervisor: Jahn) Currently a Research Officer at Tokai University, Japan.
- Zac Denman (PhD, 2017. Supersonic combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in a three-dimensional Mach 8 scramjet. Supervisor: Veeraragavan) Currently at the Defence Science and Technology Group, Brisbane.
- Brad Wheatley (PhD, 2017. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy of Aerospace Flows. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently at Lockheed Martin, Brisbane.
- Wei Han (PhD, 2017. Air radiation in superorbital expanding flow. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore.
- Steven Lewis (PhD, 2017. Hypervelocity shock layer emission spectroscopy with high temperature ablating models. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently at the Defence Science and Technology Group, Brisbane.
- Guerric de Crombrugghe (PhD, 2017. On binary scaling and ground-to-flight extrapolation in high-enthalpy facilities. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Project manager at Antwerp Space, Belgium.
- Xin Kang (PhD, 2017. Micro/mesoscale Combustion Based Portable Power Generating System. Supervisor: Veeraragavan) Currently an Associate Professor at Wuhan Universtiy of Technology.
- Elise Fahy (PhD, 2017. Superorbital re-entry shock layers: flight and laboratory comparisons. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Scientist at ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland.
- Hadas Porat (PhD, 2016. Measurement of radiative heat transfer in simulated Titan and Mars atmospheres in expansion tubes. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently at DST Group, Brisbane.
- Sanchito Banerjee (PhD, 2016. L1 adaptive control augmentation for a hypersonic glider. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently Project Manager at Airbus, Munich, Germany.
- Jorge Sancho Ponce (PhD, 2016. Scramjet testing at high total pressure. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Project Engineer at SENER, Spain.
- Wouter Mostert (PhD, 2015. Dynamics and hydrodynamic instability of magnetohydrodynamic implosions. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University, USA.
- Rolfe Gehre (PhD, 2015. The flow physics of inlet-fueled, low-compression scramjets. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently a Propulsion Analyst at Rocket Lab Ltd, New Zealand.
- Matthew Bricalli (PhD, 2015. Numerical study into thermal-compression scramjets. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently a Research Fellow (Hypersonic Propulsion) at RMIT University, Melbourne.
- Daryl Bond (PhD, 2015. Numerical investigation of gaseous heat and mass transfer: the effect of rarefaction. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently a Research Fellow at UQ.
- Daniel Oberg (PhD, 2015. Geometric scaling studies of an inlet-fuelled axisymmetric radical farming scramjet engine. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently an Interest Rates Trader, Global Markets, ANZ. Sydney.
- Dylan Wise (PhD, 2015. Experimental investigation of a three dimensional scramjet engine at hypervelocity conditions. Supervisor: Smart) Currently an Aerospace Systems Engineer at Praxis Aerospace Pty Ltd, NSW.
- David Petty (PhD, 2015. Flow physics of a hypervelocity mixing wake with oxygen enrichment. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Southern California, USA.
- Andrew Ridings (PhD, 2015. Investigation of pre-combustion shock trains in a scramjet using a shock tunnel at Mach 8 flight conditions. Supervisor: Smart) Currently an Independent Consultant, Brisbane.
- Arman Schwarz (MPhil, 2014. Experimental Study of Hypersonic Wing/Fin Root Heating at Mach 8. Supervisor: Smart) Currently a Quant Trader in Sydney.
- James Barth (PhD, 2014. Mixing and combustion enhancement in a Mach 12 shape-transitioning scramjet engine. Supervisor: Wheatley) Currently an Aerodynamicist at Reaction Engines, Oxford, U.K.
- Luke Doherty (PhD, 2014. An experimental investigation of an airframe integrated three-dimensional scramjet engine at a Mach 10 flight condition. Supervisor: Smart) Currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Oxford University.
- Philippe Lorrain (PhD, 2014. Flow Structure/Chemistry Coupling in the Ignition Process in Shock-Induced-Combustion Scramjets. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently a Research Associate at UNSW, Canberra.
- Adrian Pudsey (PhD, 2014. Hypersonic Viscous Drag Reduction Using Multiport Injection Arrays. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently a Lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne.
- Umar Sheikh (PhD, 2014. Re-Entry Radiation Aerothermodynamics in the Vacuum Ultraviolet. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Tenured Scientist at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland.
- Dillon Hunt (PhD, 2014. Supersonic combustion in inlet-fuelled busemann-like axisymmetric scramjet flow paths. Supervisor: Paull) Currently a a scientific officer at DST Group Applied Hypersonics Branch, Brisbane.
- Mary D'Souza (PhD, 2014. Simulation of ablation layers in impulse facilities. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently at the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory Support Facility, Geraldton, Western Australia.
- Fabrice Schloegel (PhD, 2014. Combustion scaling laws for inlet-fuelled scramjets. Supervisor: Boyce) Currently a Quantitative Analyst at 42 Capital, France.
- Fabian Zander (PhD, 2013. Hot wall testing in hypersonic impulse facilities. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Lecturer at USQ, Toowoomba..
- Mark Bateup (PhD, 2013. Ethylene Augmentation of JP-8+100 in a Supersonic Combustor. Supervisor: Paull) Currently a Research Engineer at DST Group, Adelaide.
- Razmi Khan (MPhil, 2012. Visible and near IR observation of the Hayabusa re-entry. Supervisor: Upcroft)
- David Gildfind (PhD, 2012. Development of high total pressure scramjet flow conditions using the X2 expansion tube. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at UQ.
- Wilson Chan (PhD, 2012. Effects of flow non-uniformities on the drag reduction by boundary layer combustion. Supervisor: Mee) Currently at DST Group, Brisbane.
- Jason Hoogland (PhD, 2012. Simulation of ablation in a superorbital expansion tube. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Mechanical Engineer at BMT WBM, Brisbane.
- Troy Eichmann (PhD, 2012. Radiation measurements in a simulated Mars atmosphere. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently a Research Associate at UNSW Canberra.
- Brendan O'Flaherty (PhD, 2012. Reducing the global warming potential of coal mine ventilation air by combustion in a free-piston engine. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently a Biomedical Engineer at De Motu Cordis, Brisbane.
- Carolyn Jacobs (PhD, 2012. Radiation in low density hypervelocity flows. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
- Samantha Coras (MPhil, 2011. Forebody Combustion Experiments on an Unducted Scramjet. Supervisor: Paull) Currently a Project Manager/Project Development Engineer at First Solar, Sydney.
- Daniel Potter (PhD, 2011. Modelling of radiating shock layers for atmospheric entry at Earth and Mars. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO Energy Centre, Newcastle.
- Sarah Razzaqi (PhD, 2011. Oxygen Enrichment in a Hydrogen Fuelled Scramjet. Supervisor: Smart) Currently a scientific officer at DST Group, Brisbane.
- Thomas Jazra (PhD, 2011. Optimisation of Hypersonic Vehicles for Airbreathing Propulsion. Supervisor: Smart) Currently Senior Manager Transformation and Business Improvement at Aurubis AG, Hamburg, Germany.
- Michael Creagh (PhD, 2010. Attitude guidance and control for a spinning asymmetric vehicle. Supervisor: Mee) Currently CEO and Managing Director at CB Aerospace, Brisbane.
- Anne Kovachevich (PhD, 2010. Investigation of an intake injected scramjet with a hot wall. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently Associate and State Manager QLD at Cundall in Brisbane
- James Turner (PhD, 2010. An Experimental Investigation of Inlet Fuel Injection in a Three-Dimensional Scramjet Engine. Supervisor: Smart) Currently a Research Fellow at Oxford University, U.K.
- Rainer Kirchhartz (PhD, 2010. Upstream wall layer effects on drag reduction with boundary layer combustion Supervisor: Mee) Currently the Head of the Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) at DLR in Germany
- Andrew Dann (PhD, 2009. Boundary Layer Separation in Hypersonic Ducted Flows, Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Fellow at Oxford University, UK.
- Aaron Brandis (PhD, 2009. Experimental study and modelling of non-equilibrium radiation during Titan and Martian entry. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Research Fellow at UC Santa Cruz, USA.
- Mark Goldsworthy (PhD, 2009. Macroscopic modelling of chemically reacting and radiating rarefied flows. Supervisor: Macrossan) Currently a Research Fellow at CSIRO.
- Katsuyoshi Tanimizu (PhD, 2009. Nozzle optimization study and measurements for a quasi-axisymmetric scramjet. Supervisor: Mee) Currently a data analyst at Telstra, Melbourne.
- Rowan Gollan (PhD, 2009. Computational Modelling of High-Temperature Gas Effects with Application to Hypersonic Flows. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at UQ.
- Adriaan Window (MPhil, 2008. Simulation of Separating Flows in the X2 Expansion Tube Over Bluff Aerocapture Vehicles. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently a Principal at AECOM Australia Pty Ltd., Brisbane.
- Joseph Tang (PhD, 2008. Development of a parallel adaptive Cartesian cell code to simulate blast in complex geometries. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently at WBM Consulting Engineers, Brisbane.
- Matthew McGilvray (PhD, 2008. Scramjet testing at high enthalpies in expansion tube facilities. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently an Associate Professor at Oxford University, UK.
- Matthew Smith (PhD, 2008. The true direction equilibrium flux method and its application. Supervisor: Macrossan) Currently Professor at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
- Ivy Lourel (PhD, 2008. Aerothermodynamics of hypervelocity toroidal aerobrakes. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently Engineering Manager - Daunia Mine, BHP Billiton, Brisbane.
- Dwishen Ramanah (MPhil 2008. Background Oriented Schlieren Technique for Flow Visualization in Shock Tunnels. Supervisor: Mee) Currently an acoustical consulting engineer at Ron Rumble Renzo Tonin, Brisbane.
- Tony Gardner (PhD, 2007. HyShot scramjet testing in the HEG. Supervisor: Paull) Currently researcher in the Department of High Speed Configurations in the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at DLR, Gottingen, Germany
- Bianca Capra (PhD, 2007, Aerothermodynamic simulation of subscale models of the FIRE II and Titan Explorer vehicles in expansion tubes. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a Senior Lecturer at UNSW-Canberra.
- Andrew Denman (PhD, 2007, Large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent boundary layers with heat addition. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently Superintendent Automation Systems at BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance, Mackay.
- Michael Scott (PhD 2007, Development and modelling of expansion tubes. Supervisor: Jacobs)
- Milinda Suraweera (PhD 2006, Reduction of skin friction drag in hypersonic flow by boundary layer combustion. Supervisor: Mee) Currently at GexCon Australia, Perth.
- Thomas Portwood (MPhil 2006, Oxygen enrichment of a hydrocarbon fueled radical farming supersonic combustion ramjet. Supervisor: Paull) Currently a Senior Software Engineer at Tesla, California, USA.
- Todd Silvester (PhD, 2005, Multidimensional Viscous Flows at Superorbital Speeds. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently a scientific officer at DSTO Applied Hypersonics Branch, Brisbane.
- Michael Elford (MPhil, 2005, Validation of a CFD solver for hypersonic flows. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently a researcher at the Brisbane Technology Centre, Boeing Research and Technology - Australia, Brisbane.
- Charles Lilley (PhD, 2005, A macroscopic chemistry method for the direct simulation of non-equilibrium gas flows. Supervisor: Macrossan) Currently Principal Engineer - Mining & Rock Mechanics at Beck Engineering Pty Ltd, Melbourne.
- Sam H. H. Chiu (PhD, 2005, Using an expansion tube to generate rarefied hypervelocity gas flows. Supervisor: Mee) Currently in Real Estate sales, Brisbane.
- Medhat Abdel-Jawad (PhD, 2005, Stability assessment of planetary entry vehicles in the X3 superorbital expansion tube. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently Chief Counting Officer PIDPARTSCOUNT, UAE.
- Charlotte Higgins (PhD, 2004 Aerothermodynamics of the gas giants. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently Networks And Innovation Team Lead at TNEI Services Limited, Manchester, UK
- Matthew Smith (MPhil., 2004 Hybrid methods in near continuum flows. Supervisor: Macrossan) Currently Professor at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
- Michael Hayne (PhD, 2004 Hypervelocity flow over rearward-facing steps. Supervisor: Mee) Currently Director of SoundBASE Consulting Engineers, Brisbane.
- Ben Stewart (PhD, 2004 Predicted scramjet testing capabilities of the proposed RHYFL-X expansion tube. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently Research Fellow in Hong Kong
- Judith Odam (PhD, 2004, Scramjet experiments using radical farming. Supervisor: Paull) Currently a scientific officer at DSTO Applied Hypersonics Branch, Brisbane.
- Brad Littleton (PhD, 2003 Development and application of various laser-based spectroscopic techniques for characterisation of high velocity flows. Supervisor: Rubenstein-Dunlop) Currently a consultant, Brisbane.
- Troy Eichmann (MSc. 2004, An experimental investigation of shock shapes and shock stand-offs in a super-orbital facility. Supervisor: McIntyre) Currently a Research Associate at UNSW Canberra.
- Scott Rowan (PhD, 2003 Viscous drag reduction in a scramjet combustor. Supervisor: Paull) Currently at Nova Systems, Brisbane.
- Richard Goozee (PhD, 2003. Simulation of a complete shock tunnel using parallel computer codes. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently Algorithmic Trader at Axiom Markets, New York, USA.
- Matthew Robinson (PhD 2003. Simultaneous lift, moment and thrust measurements on a scramjet in hypervelocity flow. Supervisor: Mee). Currently a consulting engineer at WBM, Brisbane.
- Kevin Austin (PhD 2002. Evolutionary design of robust flight control for a hypersonic aircraft. Supervisor: Jacobs). Currently Research Fellow at UQ.
- Myles Frost (M.Sc. 2002. Hyshot scramjet experiments in the T4 shock tunnel. Supervisor: Mee) Currently a scientific officer at DST Group, Brisbane.
- Dillon Hunt (M.Eng.Sc., 2002. Measurement of ablation in transient hypersonic flows. Supervisor: Morgan) Currently Currently a scientific officer at DST Group, Brisbane.
- Alexis Bishop (PhD, 2001 Spectrally selective holographic interferometry techniques for flow diagnostics. Supervisor: Rubenstein-Dunlop) Currently a Lecturer at Monash University
- James Faddy (M.Eng.Sc. 2000 Computational modelling for shock tube flows. Supervisor: Jacobs) Currently self employed, USA
- Vince Wheatley (M.Eng.Sc., 2000. Modelling low-density flow in hypersonic impulse facilities. Supervisor: Jacobs). Currently an Associate Professor at UQ.
- Tony Gardner (M.Sc., 2000. Upstream porthole injection in a 2-D scramjet model. Supervisor: Paull) Currently researcher in the Department of High Speed Configurations in the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at DLR, Gottingen, Germany
- Margaret Wegener (PhD, 2000. Diagnostics of a superorbital expansion tube by multiple holographic recordings. Supervisor: Rubenstein-Dunlop). Currently a lecturer at The University of Queensland.
- Mark Sutcliffe (PhD, 2000. The use of an expansion tube to generate carbon dioxide flows applicable to Martian atmospheric entry simulation. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently at Airbus, Germany.
- Olga Sudnitsin (M.Eng.Sc., 2000. Design and testing of an expansion tube with area change. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently at Queensland Transport.
- Robert Palmer (PhD, 2000. Measurement of heat transfer in superorbital flows. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently a Reseach Scientist at CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology (CMIT), Melbourne.
- Christopher Craddock (PhD, 1999. Computational optimization of scramjets and shock tunnel nozzles. Supervisor: Jacobs). Currently Manager – Technical Advisory and Ship Performance at Lloyd's Register, UK.
- Sam Chiu (M.Eng.Sc., 1999. Heat transfer measurements using narrow-band liquid crystals in a supersonic blowdown wind tunnel. Supervisor: Mee). Currently a consulting engineer, Brisbane.
- Ian Johnston (PhD, 1999. Simulation of flow around hypersonic blunt-nosed vehicles for the calibration of air data systems. Supervisor: Jacobs). Currently at DSTO, Adelaide.
- Chris Goyne (PhD, 1999. Skin friction measurements in high enthalpy flows at high mach number. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Aerospace Research Laboratory at the University of Virginia, USA.
- Adrian Smith (PhD, 1999. Multiple component force measurement in short duration test flows. Supervisor: Mee). Currently Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer for E7, a software product development company, Brisbane.
- Amberyn Thomas (PhD 1988. Emission spectroscopy and planar laser-induced fluorescence of nitric oxide for shock. Supervisor: Rubenstein-Dunlop). Currently Senior Administrative Manager (Research), Office of DVC Research, UQ.
- Mark Kendall (PhD 1998. High energy driver concepts for impulse facilities. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently a Vice Chancellor’s Entrepreneurial Professor at the Australian National University, Canberra.
- Rachael Skyring (M.Sc. 1997. A study of the limits of gaseous hydrogen-air detonations in a tube of specific dimension. Supervisor: Paull). Currently web site designer.
- Paul Petrie-Repar (PhD 1997. Numerical simulation of diaphragm rupture. Supervisor: Jacobs). Currently Director of RPM Turbo, Brisbane.
- Maria Pulsonetti (PhD 1997. Scaling laws for scramjets: an experimental and theoretical investigation to determine the scaling laws for scramjet engine performance at hypersonic flight conditions. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently at the Aero-Thermodynamics Branch, NASA Langley, USA.
- Con Doolan (PhD 1997. A two-stage free-piston driver for hypervelocity expansion tubes. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently a Professor at The University of New South Wales, Sydney.
- Doug Griffin (PhD 1997. Performance characteristics of free piston shock tunnels. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Director and Chief Engineer at Skykraft, Canberra.
- Sean Tuttle (PhD 1996. Measuring thrust and drag in a hypersonic impulse facility. Supervisor: Simmons). Currently a Senior Systems Engineer at Nova Systems, Canberra.
- Leon Prucha (M.Eng.Sc., 1996. Trajectory optimisation for a small launch vehicle with a scramjet-powered second stage. Supervisor: Jacobs).
- Linda Porter (PhD 1996. High enthalpy, hypersonic drag measurements on blunt cones in an impulse facility. Supervisor: Mee). Currently a medical doctor in Brisbane.
- Andrew Neely (PhD 1996. Experimental and analytical study of a pilot superorbital expansion tube for aerothermodynamic testing to 13 kms-1 in air. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently a Professor at UNSW, Canberra.
- Peter Barker (PhD 1996. The development of laser based diagnostic techniques for application to supersonic and hypersonic flows. Supervisor: Rubenstein-Dunlop). Currently Professor in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics at University College London, UK.
- Michael Wendt (PhD 1995. Supersonic combustion in a constant area duct. Supervisor: Stalker). Deceased.
- Allan Paull (M.Eng.Sc., 1995. A theoretical and experimental investigation into the test flow disturbances in an expansion tube. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Chair in Future Hypersonic Technologies, UQ.
- Ken Skinner (PhD 1994. Mass spectrometry in shock tunnel experiments of hypersonic combustion. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently at DSTO, Adelaide.
- Peter Holmes (M.Eng.Sc., 1994. Trends in space technology. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Program Manager, Student Strategy at The University of Queensland.
- David Buttsworth (PhD 1994. Shock induced mixing and combustion in scramjets. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently a Professor at the University of Southern Queensland.
- Robert Bakos (PhD 1994. An investigation of test flow nonequilibrium effects on scramjet combustion. Supervisor: Morgan). Currenlty Principal at Innoveering Technologies LLC, New York, USA.
- Samih Nabulsi (M.Eng.Sc., 1993. Shock wave interaction with a movable wall. Supervisor: Page). Currently Cook Medical Brisbane.
- Robert Mallet (PhD 1993. A numerical study of hypersonic leeward flow over the delta wing of the Hermes spacecraft using a parallel architecture supercomputer. Supervisor: Macrossan). Currently at Safety Analysis, California, USA.
- Robert Krek (PhD 1993. Shuttle orbiter and inclined cone flows in a free piston shock tunnel. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently an Associate at SKM, Brisbane.
- Gabrielle Kelly (PhD 1993. A study of Reynolds analogy in a hypersonic boundary layer using a new skin fraction gauge. Supervisor: Simmons).
- Adam Duval (M.Eng.Sc., 1993. The launch of microprojectiles from a high speed shock driven macroprojectile. Supervisor: Page). Currently Senior Analyst / Software Engineer at Tritium, Brisbane.
- Geoffrey Cathcart (PhD 1993. Numerical simulation of aerodynamic drag reduction and contamination protection of a satellite in low earth orbit. Supervisor: Macrossan). Currently Chief Technology Officer at Orbital Australia Pty Ltd, Perth.
- Craig Brescianini (PhD 1992. An investigation of the wall-injected scramjet: an experimental and numerical study of the wall-injected scramjet at high-enthalpy conditions. Supervisor: Morgan). Currently Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst at Acadian Asset Management, Inc.
- Sean Tuttle (M.Eng.Sc., 1991. A drag measurement technique for hypervelocity impulse facilities. Supervisor: Simmons). Currently a Senior Systems Engineer at Nova Systems, Canberra.
- Andrew Neely (M.Eng.Sc., 1991. Investigation of high enthalpy, hypervelocity flows of ionising argon in an expansion tube. Supervisor: Stalker), Currently a Professor at UNSW, Canberra.
- Yaping He (PhD 1991, Transition and heat transfer in compressible boundary layer flow over a flat plate. Supervisor: Morgan), Currently Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Sydney.
- Robert Casey (PhD 1990, An investigation of supersonic and hypersonic hydrogen mixing and combustion. Supervisor: Stalker), Currently Principal Engineer, RT Casey Pty Ltd.
- Conrad Stacey (PhD 1989, Swept shock wave/boundary layer interactions at high mach number. Supervisor: Simmons), Currently Director of Stacey Agnew Pty Ltd, Brisbane.
- Simon Sanderson (M.Eng.Sc., 1989, Drag measurement techniques for short flow duration hypervelocity shock tunnels. Supervisor: Simmons). Currently Propulsion IPT Manager at Boeing, Portland, Oregon.
- Clyde Anderson (PhD 1989. Atmospherically driven free piston air shocktube for sugarcane bagasse ignition characterization. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Executive Director of Anderson Energy Efficiency, Brisbane.
- Michael Smart (M.Eng.Sc., 1988. Analysis of a scramjet nozzle exhaust: an analytical study of the flow field in the nozzle exhaust of a vertical strut injected scramjet for the purposes of thrust calculation. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Founder and Head of R&D at Hypersonix, Brisbane..
- Noel Morris (M.Eng.Sc., 1988. Silane as an ignition aid in scramjets. Supervisor: Stalker). Deceased.
- Christopher Gourlay (PhD 1988. The flow-field generated by inclined ramp tabs in a rocket nozzle exhaust. Supervisor: Simmons). Currently Director, Consulting and Research Expertise, UQ.
- David Mee (PhD 1987. Investigation of swept shock wave boundary layer interactions. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently a Professor in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at UQ.
- Bruce Leslie (M.Eng.Sc., 1986. A flow visualization study of ramp tabs in a supersonic nozzle. Supervisor: Simmons). Currently Director of Leslie Consulting Engineers, Brisbane.
- Terry Cain (M.Eng.Sc., 1986. Compression ignition driven shock tubes. Supervisor: Stalker). Currently Director of Gas Dynamics Ltd, Farnborough, UK.