We want our graduates to have the skills that meet your needs.


We know how important it is for our graduates to get a taste of industry experience and the opportunity to test their skills and education while making a meaningful contribution to the development of industry.

By offering a project, internship or vacation position to a student, it gives you a chance to undertake cost-effective research and development or improvement in an area where resources or personnel are lacking.

To find out more about how you can collaborate with our students through placements, visit the Faculty website or contact the Industry Placements Coordinator on +61 7 3346 6460 or industryplacements@eait.uq.edu.au.

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Sponsorship or participation in events

Sponsoring a group or event is a great way to engage with our students and provide the opportunity for students to learn and create. You can show your support for educational initiatives that develop technical knowledge and skills in creativity, communication, teamwork and management.

A great example of this is the UQ Racing Team. The UQ Racing team comprises approximately 20 students from across the University of Queensland, with a range of backgrounds including engineering, business, commerce, journalism, IT and science. The students must work together not only to design and build a Formula SAE eligible vehicle each year, but also manage their own budget and finances, marketing, sponsorship, administration and occupational health and safety requirements. These students are able to directly apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to a practical goal, and sponsoring the team is a great way to encourage their innovation.

For more information about the UQ Racing team, car and partnership opportunities, visit their website or Facebook page.

For more information on sponsoring or participation in events, contact our Faculty Advancement office on +61 7 3365 4302 or advancement@eait.uq.edu.au.

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Grant a scholarship or prize

Reward scholarship and innovation or provide support for disadvantaged students.

Scholarships support academically gifted, as well as disadvantaged students, increasing excellence and opportunity.

For more information on sponsoring a scholarship or prize, contact our Faculty Advancement office on +61 7 3365 4302 or advancement@eait.uq.edu.au.

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Engage with a student society

Increase awareness of your organisation and stay connected with the next wave of graduates.

There are several student societies associated with us, such as MESS (Mechanical Engineering Student Society), and MAMA (Mining and Metallurgy Association). In addition to running social events for members, these groups work to create networking opportunities with industry.

By engaging with a student society you can hold seminars about your vacation opportunities and graduate programs, run networking barbeques, or sponsor society activities like the Mining Games.

The Mining Games is competition where teams to participate in traditional mining activities such as gold panning, air leg drilling, mucking, track stand, swede saw, face-tie and rock ID. The Games are a student run event and all organisation is done by the non-profit AusIMM southern Queensland student chapter, which is based at UQ. The group coordinates the UQ level competition, which feeds into the Queensland-level, then National Mining Games. Our student participation in the games is only possible with generous industry and sponsor support.

For more information about each student society, please visit the UQ Union website.

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