We have a long and successful history of working with industry to deliver research solutions specific to company needs.


We can partner with you to seek grants that together, with a contribution from your organisation, will provide the basis for research to get underway. Even better, we coordinate the red tape so you can focus on the research aspect of the collaboration.

Collaborations can start out small and lead to big things, like they did with Nihon Superior.

Your organisation can also partner with us to co-fund scholarships for current and future research higher degree (Masters and PhD) students to work on projects of interest to your organisation.

Establish a connection with us and discover ways to build your brand, develop your organisation, and engage with the leaders of tomorrow. Learn more about our research strengths and contact us to begin a conversation today.

Consult and commercialise

UQ Materials Performance is a professional consulting and testing service catering to the mining, manufacturing and agricultural industries and to service industries, wherever advice is needed on materials identification, properties, performance and failure.

UniQuest Ltd was established by The University of Queensland in 1984, and is one of Australia's largest and most successful university commercialisation groups and a premier provider of professional consultancy. This group also manages the consulting services for the University. Please contact the Consulting and Research Unit of UniQuest Ltd to discuss consultation services.