Professor Sue Harrison
Executive Dean
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Book Chapters
Maluleke, Musa D., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Govender-Opitz, Elaine and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2024). Effect of Reactor Configuration on the Microbial Fe(III) Regeneration Rate in a Novel Two-Stage PCB Bioleaching Reactor System. Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2024. (pp. 1171-1174) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-67398-6_199
Hajee, Ishaaq, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios (2024). Investigating Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in Co-Disposed Mine Waste Beds Under Various Irrigation Rates. Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2024. (pp. 1155-1163) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-67398-6_197
van Coller, Cari, do Amaral Filho, Juarez R., Smart, Mariette and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2024). Bioaugmentated Technosols as a Nature-Based Strategy for Mine-Site Rehabilitation. Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2024. (pp. 1165-1170) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-67398-6_198
Bryan, Christopher George and Harrison, Susan Therese Largier (2023). Microbial ecology of bioheaps, stirred tanks, and mine wastes. Biomining technologies: extracting and recovering metals from ores and wastes. (pp. 133-149) edited by David Barrie Johnson, Christopher George Bryan, Michael Schlömann and Francisco Figueroa Roberto. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-05382-5_7
Harrison, Sue T. L. (2019). Cell disruption. Comprehensive Biotechnology. (pp. 692-712) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64046-8.00134-8
Pott, Robert, Johnstone-Robertson, Madelyn, Verster, Bernelle, Rumjeet, Shilpa, Nkadimeng, Lefa, Raper, Tayana, Rademeyer, Sharon and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2018). Wastewater biorefineries: Integrating water treatment and value recovery. The Nexus: Energy, Environment and Climate Change. (pp. 289-302) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-63612-2_18
Louw, Tobias M., Griffiths, Melinda J., Jones, Sarah M. J. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2016). Techno-economics of Algal Biodiesel. Green Energy and Technology. (pp. 111-141) Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12334-9_7
Griffiths, Melinda, Harrison, Susan T. L., Smit, Monique and Maharajh, Dheepak (2016). Major commercial products from micro- and macroalgae. Green Energy and Technology. (pp. 269-300) Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12334-9_14
Broadhurst, Jennifer, Harrison, Susan T.L., Petersen, Jochen, Franzidis, Jean-Paul and Bradshaw, Dee (2016). A Research and Education Framework to Support the Development of a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Mining Industry in Africa. Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors. (pp. 563-576) Boca Raton, FL United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781315369853-29
Harrison, Susan T. L., Richardson, Christine and Griffiths, Melinda J. (2013). Analysis of microalgal biorefineries for bioenergy from an environmental and economic perspective focus on algal biodiesel. Biotechnological Applications of Microalgae: Biodiesel and Value-Added Products. (pp. 113-136) CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b14920
Harrison, S. T.L. (2011). Cell Disruption. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition. (pp. 619-640) Elsevier Inc.. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-088504-9.00127-6
Journal Articles
Payne, Eric J. R., Griffiths, Melinda, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. (2025). Exploring the activated charcoal adsorption column to improve cosmetic grade C-phycocyanin purification from Spirulina. Journal of Applied Phycology. doi: 10.1007/s10811-025-03458-4
Williams, Aqeel, Payne, Eric, Harrison, Susan and Fagan-Endres, Marijke (2025). The effect of the Spirulina platensis market price, C-phycocyanin selling price and process scale on the techno-economic profitability of a commercial, cosmetic-grade C-phycocyanin process in South Africa. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1-27. doi: 10.1007/s10811-025-03443-x
Edward, Catherine J., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2025). The effect of persistent exposure to thiocyanate and the impact on inhibition of ferrous iron oxidation in an industrial strain of Acidiplasma cupricumulans. Hydrometallurgy, 232 106431, 106431. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2024.106431
Stander, Helene-Marie, Harrison, Susan TL. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2025). Early-stage design and development of mine waste valorisation technologies with expert input. Journal of Cleaner Production, 496 145103, 145103. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2025.145103
Odidi, Michael D., Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). Comparison of non-reactive solute transport models for the evaluation of fluid flow in packed beds with implications for heap leaching practice. Hydrometallurgy, 230 106395, 1-19. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2024.106395
Maraj, Kalpana, Winter, Kevin and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2024). Removal of dissolved nitrogen species from runoff polluted by an informal settlement using a subsurface flow stone biofilter with treated water targeted for reuse. ACS ES&T Water, 4 (12), 5621-5632. doi: 10.1021/acsestwater.4c00638
van Wyk, Nathan, Fischer, Dorte, Wilbers, Derik, Harrison, Susan T L, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Dopson, Mark (2024). Towards the bioleaching of bauxite residue by gluconobacter oxydans. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 135 (11) lxae279. doi: 10.1093/jambio/lxae279
Maluleke, Musa D., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Govender-Opitz, Elaine and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). Bioleaching of printed circuit boards in a two-stage reactor system with enhanced ferric iron regeneration in a re-circulating packed-bed reactor from PCB leaching. Minerals Engineering, 218 109000, 109000. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.109000
Moyo, Annah, Do Amaral Filho, Juarez R., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2024). Acid mine drainage and metal(loid) risk potential of South African coal processing wastes. Minerals Engineering, 215 108825, 108825. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108825
Maraj, Kalpana, Winter, Kevin and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). The hydraulic characteristics of a subsurface flow stone biofilter for treating polluted runoff from an informal settlement. Water Supply, 24 (4), 1254-1266. doi: 10.2166/ws.2024.080
Maluleke, Musa D., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Govender-Opitz, Elaine and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). Exploring microbial adaptation of immobilised acidophilic cultures to improve microbial oxidation rates and copper tolerance in e-waste bioleaching. Minerals Engineering, 207 108560, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108560
Hessler, Tomas, Harrison, Susan T.L., Banfield, Jillian F. and Huddy, Robert J. (2024). Harnessing fermentation may enhance the performance of biological sulfate-reducing bioreactors. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (6), 2830-2846. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c04187
Maluleke, Musa D., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Govender-Opitz, Elaine and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). Microbial immobilisation and adaptation to Cu2+ enhances microbial Fe2+ oxidation for bioleaching of printed circuit boards in the presence of mixed metal ions. Research in Microbiology, 175 (1-2) 104148. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2023.104148
Edward, Catherine J., Smart, Mariette, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2024). Sulfur oxidation kinetics of Acidithiobacillus caldus and its inhibition on exposure to thiocyanate present in cyanidation tailings wastewater. Research in Microbiology, 175 (1-2) 104134, 104134. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2023.104134
Stander, Helene-Marie, Cohen, Brett, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2023). Validity of using expert judgements to inform multiple criteria decision analysis: selecting technologies for sulfide-enriched fine coal waste reuse. Journal of Cleaner Production, 415 137671. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137671
Hessler, Tomas, Huddy, Robert J., Sachdeva, Rohan, Lei, Shufei, Harrison, Susan T. L., Diamond, Spencer and Banfield, Jillian F. (2023). Vitamin interdependencies predicted by metagenomics-informed network analyses and validated in microbial community microcosms. Nature Communications, 14 (1) 4768, 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-40360-4
Konadu, Kojo T., Makaula, Didi X., Smart, Mariette, Cindy,, Mendoza, Diego M., Opitz, Elaine, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Sasaki, Keiko (2023). Enzymatic degradation of carbonaceous matter in contrasting South African refractory gold ores using cell-free spent medium from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Hydrometallurgy, 220 106087, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2023.106087
Odidi, Michael D., Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2023). Residence time distribution analysis of drip-irrigated beds—the effect of material and fluid properties with implications for heap leaching practice. Minerals, 13 (2) 267, 1-21. doi: 10.3390/min13020267
Sharma, Rajesh, Collair, Wesley, Williams, Aqeel, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Tai, Siew L. (2023). Design and engineering characterization of a horizontal tubular bioreactor with spiral impeller for cell cultivation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 191 108794, 108794. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2022.108794
Fagan-Endres, Marijke A., Odidi, Michael D. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2023). An accurate residence time distribution measurement method for low volumetric flowrate systems, with application to heap leaching columns. Chemical Engineering Communications, 210 (11), 2057-2063. doi: 10.1080/00986445.2023.2169679
Odidi, Michael D., Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2023). Moisture absorption rates via capillary suction within packed beds – The effect of material and fluid properties with implications for heap leaching operations. Hydrometallurgy, 215 105975, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2022.105975
Amaral Filho, Juarez R. do, Gcayiya, Msimelelo, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Broadhurst, Jennifer L., Power, David and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2022). Valorization of South African coal wastes through dense medium separation. Minerals, 12 (12) 1519, 1-11. doi: 10.3390/min12121519
Ódri, Ágnes, Amaral-Filho, Juarez, Smart, Mariette, Broadhurst, Jennifer, Harrison, Susan T. L., Petersen, Jochen, Harris, Chris, Edraki, Mansour and Becker, Megan (2022). Sulfur and oxygen isotope constraints on sulfate sources and neutral rock drainage-related processes at a South African colliery. Science of the Total Environment, 846 157178, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157178
Marais, T. S., Huddy, R. J. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2022). Elemental sulphur recovery from a sulphate-rich aqueous stream in a single hybrid linear flow channel reactor is mediated through microbial community dynamics and adaptation to reactor zones. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98 (11) fiac059, 1-20. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiac059
Marais, T. S., Huddy, R. J., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2022). Effect of temperature change on the performance of the hybrid linear flow channel reactor and its implications on sulphate-reducing and sulphide-oxidising microbial community dynamics. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10 908463, 1-20. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.908463
Hessler, Tomas, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Huddy, Robert J. (2022). Integrated kinetic modelling and microbial profiling provide insights into biological sulfate-reducing reactor design and operation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10 897094, 1-15. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.897094
Edward, Catherine J., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2022). Ferrous iron oxidation kinetics of Acidiplasma cupricumulans, a key archaeon in the mineral biooxidation consortium: Impact of nutrient availability, ferric iron and thiocyanate. Hydrometallurgy, 211 105890, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2022.105890
Stander, Helene-Marie, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2022). Using South African sulfide-enriched coal processing waste for amelioration of calcareous soil: A pre-feasibility study. Minerals Engineering, 180 107457, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107457
Sharma, Rajesh, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Tai, Siew Leng (2022). Advances in Bioreactor Systems for the Production of Biologicals in Mammalian Cells. ChemBioEng Reviews, 9 (1), 42-62. doi: 10.1002/cben.202100022
Edward, Catherine J., Smart, Mariette and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2022). Towards recycling remediated cyanidation tailings water to the mineral biooxidation process – impact on microbial community and its performance. Minerals Engineering, 176 107359, 107359. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107359
Nosrati-Ghods, Nosaibeh, Harrison, Susan T.L., Isafiade, Adeniyi J. and Tai, Siew Leng (2022). Kinetic data analysis and mathematical modeling of intra (wild type vs. engineered) and inter species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae vs. Zymomonas mobilis) dependency for bioethanol production from glucose, xylose or their combination. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 177 108229, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2021.108229
Wilbers, Derik, Brehm, Joseph, Lewis, Richard J., van Marwijk, Jacqueline, Davies, Thomas E., Morgan, David J., Opperman, Diederik J., Smit, Martha S., Alcalde, Miguel, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Harrison, Susan T. L., Hutchings, Graham J. and Freakley, Simon J. (2021). Controlling product selectivity with nanoparticle composition in tandem chemo-biocatalytic styrene oxidation. Green Chemistry, 23 (11), 4170-4180. doi: 10.1039/d0gc04320f
Huddy, Robert J., Sachdeva, Rohan, Kadzinga, Fadzai, Kantor, Rose S., Harrison, Susan T. L. and Banfield, Jillian F. (2021). Thiocyanate and organic carbon inputs drive convergent selection for specific autotrophic Afipia and Thiobacillus strains within complex microbiomes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12 643368, 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.643368
Guseva, Olga, Opitz, Alexander K.B., Broadhurst, Jennifer L., Harrison, Susan T. L. and Becker, Megan (2021). Characterisation and prediction of acid rock drainage potential in waste rock: value of integrating quantitative mineralogical and textural measurements. Minerals Engineering, 163 106750. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106750
Inderthal, Hedda, Tai, Siew Leng and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2021). Non-hydrolyzable plastics – an interdisciplinary look at plastic bio-oxidation. Trends in Biotechnology, 39 (1), 12-23. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2020.05.004
Nosrati-Ghods, Nosaibeh, Harrison, Susan T. L., Isafiade, Adeniyi J. and Tai, Siew Leng (2020). Analysis of ethanol production from xylose using Pichia stipitis in microaerobic conditions through experimental observations and kinetic modelling. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 164 107754. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2020.107754
Ódri, Ágnes, Becker, Megan, Broadhurst, Jennifer, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Edraki, Mansour (2020). Stable isotope imprints during pyrite leaching: implications for acid rock drainage characterization. Minerals, 10 (11) 0982, 982-20. doi: 10.3390/min10110982
Tambwe, Olivier, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2020). Desulphurising high sulphur coal discards using an accelerated heap leach approach. Hydrometallurgy, 197 105472. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105472
Hessler, Tomas, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Huddy, Robert J. (2020). Linking performance and microbial ecology in a biological sulphate reducing reactor system with biomass retention developed for the treatment of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy, 197 105471. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105471
Marais, T. S., Huddy, R. J., van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2020). Effects of reactor geometry and electron donor on performance of the hybrid linear flow channel reactor. Hydrometallurgy, 197 105462, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105462
Marais, T. S., Huddy, R. J., Harrison, S. T. L. and van Hille, R. P. (2020). Effect of hydraulic residence time on biological sulphate reduction and elemental sulphur recovery in a single-stage hybrid linear flow channel reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 162 107717, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2020.107717
Makaula, Didi X., Huddy, Robert J., Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2020). Cross-correlating analyses of mineral-associated microorganisms in an unsaturated packed bed flow-through column test; cell number, activity and EPS. Research in Microbiology, 171 (7), 222-229. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2020.09.002
Konadu, Kojo T., Mendoza, Diego M., Huddy, Robert J., Harrison, Susan T. L., Kaneta, Takashi and Sasaki, Keiko (2020). Biological pretreatment of carbonaceous matter in double refractory gold ores: A review and some future considerations. Hydrometallurgy, 196 105434. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105434
Harding, K. G. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2020). Generic flowsheeting approach to obtain material and energy data for life-cycle assessment of cellulase production (submerged fermentation). Bioresource Technology Reports, 11 100549, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2020.100549
Ghadiri, Mahdi, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. (2020). Quantitative χ-ray µCT measurement of the effect of ore characteristics on non-surface mineral grain leaching. Minerals, 10 (9) 746, 1-27. doi: 10.3390/min10090746
Nosrati-Ghods, Nosaibeh, Harrison, Susan T. L., Isafiade, Adeniyi J. and Leng Tai, Siew (2020). Mathematical Modelling of Bioethanol Fermentation From Glucose, Xylose or Their Combination – A Review. ChemBioEng Reviews, 7 (3), 68-88. doi: 10.1002/cben.201900024
Marais, T. S., Huddy, R. J., Harrison, S. T. L. and van Hille, R. P. (2020). Demonstration of simultaneous biological sulphate reduction and partial sulphide oxidation in a hybrid linear flow channel reactor. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 34 101143, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101143
Al-Shayeb, Basem, Sachdeva, Rohan, Chen, Lin-Xing, Ward, Fred, Munk, Patrick, Devoto, Audra, Castelle, Cindy J., Olm, Matthew R., Bouma-Gregson, Keith, Amano, Yuki, He, Christine, Méheust, Raphaël, Brooks, Brandon, Thomas, Alex, Lavy, Adi, Matheus-Carnevali, Paula, Sun, Christine, Goltsman, Daniela S. A., Borton, Mikayla A., Sharrar, Allison, Jaffe, Alexander L., Nelson, Tara C., Kantor, Rose, Keren, Ray, Lane, Katherine R., Farag, Ibrahim F., Lei, Shufei, Finstad, Kari, Amundson, Ronald ... Banfield, Jillian F. (2020). Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems. Nature, 578 (7795), 425-431. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2007-4
Amaral Filho, Juarez R., Firpo, Beatriz A., Broadhurst, Jennifer L. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2020). On the feasibility of South African coal waste for production of ‘FabSoil’, a Technosol. Minerals Engineering, 146 106059. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2019.106059
Nosrati-Ghods, Nosaibeh, Naidoo, Muven, Harrison, Susan T.L., Isafiade, Adeniyi J. and Tai, Siew Leng (2020). Embedding aspen custom modeller for bioethanol fermentation into the aspen plus flowsheet simulator. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 80, 289-294. doi: 10.3303/CET2080049
Chiodza, Kudzai G., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Fagan ‐ Endres, Marijke A. (2020). Algal lipids as biocollector for recovery of coal from fine coal waste by Froth Flotation. Minerals, 10 (1) 70, 1-14. doi: 10.3390/min10010070
Harrison, S. T. L., Kotsiopoulos, A., Stevenson, R. and Cilliers, J. J. (2020). Mixing indices allow scale-up of stirred tank slurry reactor conditions for equivalent homogeneity. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 153, 865-874. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2019.10.049
Moyo, Annah, Filho, Juarez R. Do Amaral, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2019). Implications of sulfur speciation on the assessment of acid rock drainage generating potential: A study of South African coal processing wastes. Minerals, 9 (12) 776, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/min9120776
Ebrecht, Ana C., van der Bergh, Naadia, Harrison, Susan T. L., Smit, Martha S., Sewell, B. Trevor and Opperman, Diederik J. (2019). Biochemical and structural insights into the cytochrome P450 reductase from Candida tropicalis. Scientific Reports, 9 (1) 20088, 1-11. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56516-6
Freakley, Simon J., Kochius, Svenja, van Marwijk, Jacqueline, Fenner, Caryn, Lewis, Richard J., Baldenius, Kai, Marais, Sarel S., Opperman, Diederik J., Harrison, Susan T. L., Alcalde, Miguel, Smit, Martha S. and Hutchings, Graham J. (2019). A chemo-enzymatic oxidation cascade to activate C–H bonds with in situ generated H2O2. Nature Communications, 10 (1) 4178, 1-8. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12120-w
Konadu, Kojo T., Harrison, Susan T.L., Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo and Sasaki, Keiko (2019). Transformation of the carbonaceous matter in double refractory gold ore by crude lignin peroxidase released from the white-rot fungus. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 143 104735, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2019.104735
Owen, Germaine, Abrams, Amber, Carden, Kirsty, Harrison, Sue, Selala, Callies and Verster, Bernelle (2019). Exploring the socio-hydrological assessment of two small municipalities in the Western Cape. Water Wheel, 18 (5), 34-36.
Borja, Danilo, Nguyen, Kim Anh, Silva, Rene A., Ngoma, Emmanuel, Petersen, Jochen, Harrison, Susan T.L., Park, Jay Hyun and Kim, Hyunjung (2019). Continuous bioleaching of arsenopyrite from mine tailings using an adapted mesophilic microbial culture. Hydrometallurgy, 187, 187-194. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2019.05.022
Ghadiri, Mehdi, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. (2019). Effect of surfactant on the growth and activity of microorganisms in a heap bioleaching system. Minerals Engineering, 138, 43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2019.03.028
Konadu, Kojo T., Huddy, Robert J., Harrison, Susan T.L., Osseo-Asare, Kwadwo and Sasaki, Keiko (2019). Sequential pretreatment of double refractory gold ore (DRGO)with a thermophilic iron oxidizing archeaon and fungal crude enzymes. Minerals Engineering, 138, 86-94. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2019.04.043
Mjonono, D., Harrison, S. T. L. and Kotsiopoulos, A. (2019). Supplementing structural integrity of waste rock piles through improved packing protocols to aid acid rock drainage prevention strategies. Minerals Engineering, 135, 13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2019.02.029
Cilliers, J. J. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2019). Yeast flocculation aids the performance of yeast dewatering using mini-hydrocyclones. Separation and Purification Technology, 209, 159-163. doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2018.06.019
Edward, Catherine J., Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2018). Low-level thiocyanate concentrations impact on iron oxidation activity and growth of Leptospirillum ferriphilum through inhibition and adaptation. Research in Microbiology, 169 (10), 576-581. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2018.10.003
Hessler, Tomas, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Huddy, Robert J. (2018). Stratification of microbial communities throughout a biological sulphate reducing up-flow anaerobic packed bed reactor, revealed through 16S metagenomics. Research in Microbiology, 169 (10), 543-551. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2018.09.003
Ghadiri, Mehdi, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. (2018). Influence of X-ray Μ-Computed Tomography on the microbial activity of a mixed thermophilic and mesophilic bioleaching culture colonising a mineral surface. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 139, 123-131. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2018.08.009
Naidoo, Muven, Tai, Siew Leng and Harrison, Susan Therese Largier (2018). Energy requirements for the in-situ recovery of biobutanol via gas stripping. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 139, 74-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2018.07.022
Ngoma, Emmanuel, Borja, Danilo, Smart, Mariette, Shaik, Kathija, Kim, Hyunjung, Petersen, Jochen and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2018). Bioleaching of arsenopyrite from Janggun mine tailings (South Korea) using an adapted mixed mesophilic culture. Hydrometallurgy, 181, 21-28. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.08.010
Nosrati-Ghods, Nosaibeh, Harrison, Susan T. L., Isafiade, Adeniyi J. and Tai, Siew L. (2018). Ethanol from Biomass Hydrolysates by Efficient Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose – A Review. ChemBioEng Reviews, 5 (5), 294-311. doi: 10.1002/cben.201800009
Harding, K. G., Dennis, J. S. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2018). Generic flowsheeting approach to generating first estimate material and energy balance data for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Penicillin V production. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 15, 89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.spc.2018.05.004
Kotsiopoulos, A. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2018). Co-disposal of benign desulfurised tailings with sulfidic waste rock to mitigate ARD generation: Influence of flow and contact surface. Minerals Engineering, 116, 62-71. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2017.03.003
Govender-Opitz, Elaine, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Bryan, Christopher G. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Modelling microbial transport in simulated low-grade heap bioleaching systems: The hydrodynamic dispersion model. Chemical Engineering Science, 172, 545-558. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2017.07.008
White, Bronwyn E., Fenner, Caryn J., Smit, Martha S. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Effect of cell permeability and dehydrogenase expression on octane activation by CYP153A6-based whole cell Escherichia coli catalysts. Microbial Cell Factories, 16 (1) 156, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12934-017-0763-0
Jones, Sarah M.J., Louw, Tobias M. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Energy consumption due to mixing and mass transfer in a wave photobioreactor. Algal Research, 24, 317-324. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2017.03.001
Rahman, Sumayah F., Kantor, Rose S., Huddy, Robert, Thomas, Brian C., van Zyl, Andries W., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Banfield, Jillian F. (2017). Genome-resolved metagenomics of a bioremediation system for degradation of thiocyanate in mine water containing suspended solid tailings. MicrobiologyOpen, 6 (3) e00446, 1-9. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.446
Dobson, Katherine J., Harrison, Sue T. L., Lin, Qingyang, Bhreasail, Aine Ní, Fagan-Endres, Marijke A., Neethling, Stephen J., Lee, Peter D. and Cilliers, Jan J. (2017). Insights into ferric leaching of low grade metal sulfide-containing ores in an unsaturated ore bed using X-ray computed tomography. Minerals, 7 (5) 85, 1-16. doi: 10.3390/min7050085
Makaula, Didi X., Huddy, Robert J., Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Using isothermal microcalorimetry to measure the metabolic activity of the mineral-associated microbial community in bioleaching. Minerals Engineering, 106, 33-38. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.12.012
Fagan-Endres, Marijke A., Cilliers, Johannes J., Sederman, Andrew J. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Spatial variations in leaching of a low-grade, low-porosity chalcopyrite ore identified using X-ray μCT. Minerals Engineering, 105, 63-68. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2017.01.010
Kantor, Rose S., Huddy, Robert J., Iyer, Ramsunder, Thomas, Brian C., Brown, Christopher T., Anantharaman, Karthik, Tringe, Susannah, Hettich, Robert L., Harrison, Susan T. L. and Banfield, Jillian F. (2017). Genome-Resolved Meta-Omics Ties Microbial Dynamics to Process Performance in Biotechnology for Thiocyanate Degradation. Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (5), 2944-2953. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04477
Govender-Opitz, Elaine, Kotsiopoulos, Athanasios, Fagan-Endres, Marijke and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2017). Insight into solute and microbial transport in heap (bio)leaching systems using residence time distribution. Hydrometallurgy, 168, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.002
Kotsiopoulos, A. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2017). Application of fine desulfurised coal tailings as neutralising barriers in the prevention of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy, 168, 159-166. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.004
Van Zyl, A.Wynand, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Van Hille, Robert P. (2017). Determining an effective operating window for a thiocyanate-degrading mixed microbial community. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5 (1), 660-666. doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2016.12.046
Harding, K. G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2016). Generic flow sheet model for early inventory estimates of industrial microbial processes. I. Flowsheet development, microbial growth and product formation. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22, 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.sajce.2016.10.003
Harding, K. G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2016). Generic flowsheet model for early inventory estimates of industrial microbial processes. II. Downstream processing. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22, 23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.sajce.2016.10.002
Jones, Sarah M.J., Brighton, Marc B. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2016). Exploring the tension between energy consumption, light provision and CO2 mass transfer through varying gas velocity in the airlift bioreactor. Algal Research, 19, 381-390. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2016.07.019
Bombelli, Paolo, Dennis, Ross J., Felder, Fabienne, Cooper, Matt B., Iyer, Durgaprasad Madras Rajaraman, Royles, Jessica, Harrison, Susan T.L., Smith, Alison G., Jill Harrison, C. and Howe, Christopher J. (2016). Electrical output of bryophyte microbial fuel cell systems is sufficient to power a radio or an environmental sensor. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (10) 160249, 1-15. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160249
Harrison, Susan T. L. (2016). Biotechnologies that Utilize Acidophiles. Acidophiles: Life in Extremely Acidic Environments, 265-283.
Kantor, Rose S., van Zyl, A. Wynand, van Hille, Robert P., Thomas, Brian C., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Banfield, Jillian F. (2015). Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome-resolved metagenomics. Environmental Microbiology, 17 (12), 4929-4941. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12936
Fagan-Endres, Marijke A., Harrison, Susan T.L., Johns, Michael L. and Sederman, Andrew J. (2015). Magnetic resonance imaging characterisation of the influence of flowrate on liquid distribution in drip irrigated heap leaching. Hydrometallurgy, 158, 157-164. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.10.003
Inglesby, A. E., Griffiths, M. J., Harrison, S. T.L. and van Hille, R. P. (2015). Anaerobic digestion of Spirulina sp. and Scenedesmus sp.: a comparison and investigation of the impact of mechanical pre-treatment. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27 (5), 1891-1900. doi: 10.1007/s10811-015-0669-3
Becker, M., Dyantyi, N., Broadhurst, J. L., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Franzidis, J. P. (2015). A mineralogical approach to evaluating laboratory scale acid rock drainage characterisation tests. Minerals Engineering, 80 4685, 33-36. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.06.015
Huddy, Robert J., Van Zyl, A. Wynand, Van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2015). Characterisation of the complex microbial community associated with the ASTER™ thiocyanate biodegradation system. Minerals Engineering, 76, 65-71. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.12.011
Van Zyl, Andries W., Huddy, Robert, Harrison, Susan T.L. and Van Hille, Robert P. (2015). Evaluation of the ASTERTM process in the presence of suspended solids. Minerals Engineering, 76, 72-80. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.11.007
Govender, Elaine, Bryan, Christopher G. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2015). Effect of physico-chemical and operating conditions on the growth and activity of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in a simulated heap bioleaching environment. Minerals Engineering, 75, 14-25. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.02.006
Van Hille, Robert P., Dawson, Emma, Edward, Catherine and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2015). Effect of thiocyanate on BIOX® organisms: Inhibition and adaptation. Minerals Engineering, 75, 110-115. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.09.017
Emmanuel Ngoma, I., Ojumu, Tunde V. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2015). Investigating the effect of acid stress on selected mesophilic micro-organisms implicated in bioleaching. Minerals Engineering, 75, 6-13. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.02.007
Govender, Elaine, Bryan, Christopher G. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2015). A novel experimental system for the study of microbial ecology and mineral leaching within a simulated agglomerate-scale heap bioleaching system. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 95, 86-97. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2014.12.001
Bryan, C. G., Watkin, E. L., McCredden, T. J., Wong, Z. R., Harrison, S. T.L. and Kaksonen, A. H. (2015). The use of pyrite as a source of lixiviant in the bioleaching of electronic waste. Hydrometallurgy, 152, 33-43. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2014.12.004
Griffiths, Melinda J., Van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2014). The effect of nitrogen limitation on lipid productivity and cell composition in Chlorella vulgaris. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98 (5), 2345-2356. doi: 10.1007/s00253-013-5442-4
Meissner, Murray P., Xu, Zhehua, Jones, Gavin C., Minnaar, Susanna H. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2014). A novel microwell-based analytical technique for studying ferrous iron biooxidation activity. Minerals Engineering, 60, 8-13. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.01.012
Govender, E., Kotsiopoulos, A., Bryan, C. G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2014). Modelling microbial transport in simulated low-grade heap bioleaching systems: The biomass transport model. Hydrometallurgy, 150, 299-307. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2014.09.012
Griffiths, Melinda J., Van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2014). The effect of degree and timing of nitrogen limitation on lipid productivity in Chlorella vulgaris. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98 (13), 6147-6159. doi: 10.1007/s00253-014-5757-9
Jones, Sarah M.J. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2014). Aeration energy requirements for lipid production by Scenedesmus sp. in airlift bioreactors. Algal Research, 5 (1), 249-257. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2014.03.003
Fagan, Marijke A., Ngoma, I. Emmanuel, Chiume, Rebecca A., Minnaar, Sanet, Sederman, Andrew J., Johns, Michael L. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2014). MRI and gravimetric studies of hydrology in drip irrigated heaps and its effect on the propagation of bioleaching micro-organisms. Hydrometallurgy, 150, 210-221. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2014.04.022
Tupikina, Olga V., Minnaar, Susanna H., Rautenbach, George F., Dew, David W. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2014). Effect of inoculum size on the rates of whole ore colonisation of mesophilic, moderate thermophilic and thermophilic acidophiles. Hydrometallurgy, 149, 244-251. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2013.10.010
Tupikina, O. V., Minnaar, S. H., Van Hille, R. P., Van Wyk, N., Rautenbach, G. F., Dew, D. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2013). Determining the effect of acid stress on the persistence and growth of thermophilic microbial species after mesophilic colonisation of low grade ore in a heap leach environment. Minerals Engineering, 53, 152-159. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2013.07.015
Chimbganda, T., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J. L., Harrison, S. T.L. and Franzidis, J. P. (2013). A comparison of pyrrhotite rejection and passivation in two nickel ores. Minerals Engineering, 46-47, 38-44. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2013.03.031
Mbamba, C. Kazadi, Franzidis, J. P., Harrison, S. T.L. and Broadhurst, J. L. (2013). Flotation of coal and sulphur from South African ultrafine colliery wastes. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 113 (5), 399-405.
Jones, G. C., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2013). Reactive oxygen species generated in the presence of fine pyrite particles and its implication in thermophilic mineral bioleaching. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (6), 2735-2742. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-4116-y
Africa, Cindy-Jade, Van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2013). Attachment of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferriphilum cultured under varying conditions to pyrite, chalcopyrite, low-grade ore and quartz in a packed column reactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (3), 1317-1324. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-3939-x
Jones, Gavin C., Becker, Megan, van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2013). The effect of sulfide concentrate mineralogy and texture on Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation. Applied Geochemistry, 29, 199-213. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.11.015
Olaofe, Oluwafemi A., Fenner, Caryn J., Gudiminchi, Rama Krishna, Smit, Martha S. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2013). The influence of microbial physiology on biocatalyst activity and efficiency in the terminal hydroxylation of n-octane using Escherichia coli expressing the alkane hydroxylase, CYP153A6. Microbial Cell Factories, 12 (1) 8. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-12-8
Africa, Cindy-Jade, Van Hille, Robert P., Sand, Wolfgang and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2013). Investigation and in situ visualisation of interfacial interactions of thermophilic microorganisms with metal-sulphides in a simulated heap environment. Minerals Engineering, 48, 100-107. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.09.011
Fagan, M. A., Sederman, A. J., Harrison, S. T.L. and Johns, M. L. (2013). Phase distribution identification in the column leaching of low grade ores using MRI. Minerals Engineering, 48, 94-99. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.10.005
Govender, Elaine, Bryan, Christopher G. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2013). Quantification of growth and colonisation of low grade sulphidic ores by acidophilic chemoautotrophs using a novel experimental system. Minerals Engineering, 48, 108-115. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.09.010
Stafford, William, Cohen, Brett, Pather-Elias, Simisha, von Blottnitz, Harro, van Hille, Robert, Harrison, Sue T.L. and Burton, Stephanie G (2013). Technologies for recovery of energy from wastewaters: Applicability and potential in South Africa. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 24 (1), 15-26. doi: 10.17159/2413-3051/2013/v24i1a3003
Chiume, R., Minnaar, S. H., Ngoma, I. E., Bryan, C. G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2012). Microbial colonisation in heaps for mineral bioleaching and the influence of irrigation rate. Minerals Engineering, 39, 156-164. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.07.002
Gudiminchi, Rama Krishna, Randall, Charlene, Opperman, Diederik J., Olaofe, Oluwafemi A., Harrison, Susan T.L., Albertyn, Jacobus and Smit, Martha S. (2012). Whole-cell hydroxylation of n-octane by Escherichia coli strains expressing the CYP153A6 operon. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 96 (6), 1507-1516. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-3984-5
Ghorbani, Yousef, Petersen, Jochen, Harrison, Susan T.L., Tupikina, Olga V., Becker, Megan, Mainza, Aubrey N. and Franzidis, Jean-Paul (2012). An experimental study of the long-term bioleaching of large sphalerite ore particles in a circulating fluid fixed-bed reactor. Hydrometallurgy, 129-130, 161-171. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2012.07.009
Langley, N. M., Harrison, S. T.L. and van Hille, R. P. (2012). A critical evaluation of CO 2 supplementation to algal systems by direct injection. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 68, 70-75. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2012.07.013
Griffiths, Melinda J., van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2012). Lipid productivity, settling potential and fatty acid profile of 11 microalgal species grown under nitrogen replete and limited conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 24 (5), 989-1001. doi: 10.1007/s10811-011-9723-y
Govender, E., Harrison, S. T.L. and Bryan, C. G. (2012). Modification of the ferric chloride assay for the spectrophotometric determination of ferric and total iron in acidic solutions containing high concentrations of copper. Minerals Engineering, 35, 46-48. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.05.006
Bryan, C. G., Davis-Belmar, C. S., van Wyk, N., Fraser, M. K., Dew, D., Rautenbach, G. F. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2012). The effect of CO 2 availability on the growth, iron oxidation and CO 2-fixation rates of pure cultures of Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109 (7), 1693-1703. doi: 10.1002/bit.24453
Harrison, Susan T.L., Stevenson, Ryan and Cilliers, Johannes J. (2012). Assessing solids concentration homogeneity in Rushton-agitated slurry reactors using electrical resistance tomography (ERT). Chemical Engineering Science, 71, 392-399. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2011.10.053
Kazadi Mbamba, C., Harrison, S. T.L., Franzidis, J. P. and Broadhurst, J. L. (2012). Mitigating acid rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulfur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation. Minerals Engineering, 29, 13-21. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.02.001
Oyekola, Oluwaseun O., Harrison, Susan T.L. and van Hille, Robert P. (2012). Effect of culture conditions on the competitive interaction between lactate oxidizers and fermenters in a biological sulfate reduction system. Bioresource Technology, 104, 616-621. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.11.052
Harrison, Sue (2011). Foreword. Minerals Engineering, 24 (11). doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.07.006
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2011). Optimising orifice geometry for selective release of periplasmic products during cell disruption by hydrodynamic cavitation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 54 (3), 207-209. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2011.03.002
Griffiths, Melinda J., Garcin, Clive, van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2011). Interference by pigment in the estimation of microalgal biomass concentration by optical density. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 85 (2), 119-123. doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2011.02.005
Griffiths, Melinda J., Dicks, Reay G., Richardson, Christine and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2011). Advantages and Challenges of Microalgae as a Source of Oil for Biodiesel. Biodiesel - Feedstocks and Processing Technologies, 177-200.
Griffiths, M. J., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2010). Selection of direct transesterification as the preferred method for assay of fatty acid content of microalgae. Lipids, 45 (11), 1053-1060. doi: 10.1007/s11745-010-3468-2
Olaofe, Oluwafemi A., Burton, Stephanie G., Cowan, Don A. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2010). Improving the production of a thermostable amidase through optimising IPTG induction in a highly dense culture of recombinant Escherichia coli. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 52 (1), 19-24. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2010.06.013
Oyekola, Oluwaseun O., van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2010). Kinetic analysis of biological sulphate reduction using lactate as carbon source and electron donor: Effect of sulphate concentration. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (16), 4771-4781. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2010.05.014
Harrison, S. T.L., Petersen, J. and van Hille, R. P. (2010). Foreword. Minerals Engineering, 23 (6). doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2010.03.017
Africa, Cindy-Jade, Harrison, Susan T.L., Becker, Megan and Hille, Robert P. van (2010). In situ investigation and visualisation of microbial attachment and colonisation in a heap bioleach environment: The novel biofilm reactor. Minerals Engineering, 23 (6), 486-491. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.12.011
van Hille, Robert P., van Zyl, Andries W., Spurr, Nicholas R.L. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2010). Investigating heap bioleaching: Effect of feed iron concentration on bioleaching performance. Minerals Engineering, 23 (6), 518-525. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2010.01.011
Hesketh, A. H., Broadhurst, J. L. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2010). Mitigating the generation of acid mine drainage from copper sulfide tailings impoundments in perpetuity: A case study for an integrated management strategy. Minerals Engineering, 23 (3), 225-229. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.09.020
Stevenson, Ryan, Harrison, Susan T.L., Mantle, Michael D., Sederman, Andrew J., Moraczewski, Tracey L. and Johns, Michael L. (2010). Analysis of partial suspension in stirred mixing cells using both MRI and ERT. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (4), 1385-1393. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2009.10.006
Harrison, Susan T. L., Griffiths, Melinda J., Langley, Nicholas, Vengadajellum, Caryn and Van Hille, Robert P. (2010). Microalgal Culture as a Feedstock for Bioenergy, Chemicals, and Nutrition. Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Third Edition, 577-590.
Balasundaram, Bangaru, Harrison, Sue and Bracewell, Daniel G. (2009). Advances in product release strategies and impact on bioprocess design. Trends in Biotechnology, 27 (8), 477-485. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2009.04.004
Griffiths, Melinda J. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2009). Lipid productivity as a key characteristic for choosing algal species for biodiesel production. Journal of Applied Phycology, 21 (5), 493-507. doi: 10.1007/s10811-008-9392-7
Oyekola, Oluwaseun O., van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2009). Study of anaerobic lactate metabolism under biosulfidogenic conditions. Water Research, 43 (14), 3345-3354. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2008.11.044
Harding, K. G., Dennis, J. S., von Blottnitz, H. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2008). A life-cycle comparison between inorganic and biological catalysis for the production of biodiesel. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16 (13), 1368-1378. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2007.07.003
Johnstone-Robertson, M., Clarke, K. G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2008). Characterization of the distribution of glucose oxidase in Penicillium sp. CBS 120262 and Aspergillus niger NRRL-3 cultures and its effect on integrated product recovery. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99 (4), 910-918. doi: 10.1002/bit.21642
Balasundaram, B., Harrison, S. T.L., Li, J. and Chase, H. A. (2008). A study of the influence of yeast cell debris on protein and α-glucosidase adsorption at various zones within the expanded bed using in-bed sampling. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99 (3), 614-624. doi: 10.1002/bit.21586
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2008). Influence of the extent of disruption of Bakers' yeast on protein adsorption in expanded beds. Journal of Biotechnology, 133 (3), 360-369. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2007.07.724
Oboirien, B. O., Burton, S. G., Cowan, D. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2008). The effect of the particulate phase on coal biosolubilisation mediated by Trichoderma atroviride in a slurry bioreactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 89 (2), 123-130. doi: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2007.06.019
Silva-Stenico, M. Estela, Vengadajellum, Caryn J., Janjua, Hussnain A., Harrison, Sue T. L., Burton, Stephanie G. and Cowan, Don A. (2007). Degradation of low rank coal by Trichoderma atroviride ES11. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34 (9), 625-631. doi: 10.1007/s10295-007-0223-7
Silva-Stenico, M. Estela, Vengadajellum, Caryn J., Janjua, Hussnain A., Harrison, Sue T. L., Burton, Stephanie G. and Cowan, Don A. (2007). Erratum: Degradation of low rank coal by Trichoderma atroviride ES11 (Journal of Indusrial Microbiology and Biotechnology DOI: 10.1007/s10295-007- 0223-7). Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34 (9). doi: 10.1007/s10295-007-0242-4
Anand, H., Balasundaram, B., Pandit, A. B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2007). The effect of chemical pretreatment combined with mechanical disruption on the extent of disruption and release of intracellular protein from E. coli. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 35 (2), 166-173. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2007.01.011
Harding, K. G., Dennis, J. S., von Blottnitz, H. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2007). Environmental analysis of plastic production processes: Comparing petroleum-based polypropylene and polyethylene with biologically-based poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid using life cycle analysis. Journal of Biotechnology, 130 (1), 57-66. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2007.02.012
Icgen, B., Moosa, S. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2007). A study of the relative dominance of selected anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria in a continuous bioreactor by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Microbial Ecology, 53 (1), 43-52. doi: 10.1007/s00248-006-9009-0
Icgen, Bulent and Harrison, Sue (2006). Identification of population dynamics in sulfate-reducing consortia on exposure to sulfate. Research in Microbiology, 157 (10), 922-927. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2006.08.003
Icgen, Bulent and Harrison, Sue (2006). Exposure to sulfide causes populations shifts in sulfate-reducing consortia. Research in Microbiology, 157 (8), 784-791. doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2006.04.004
Petersen, Jochen and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2006). 16th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, IBS2005, Cape Town, 25-29 September 2005. Hydrometallurgy, 83 (1-4), 1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2006.03.031
Coram-Uliana, Nicolette J., van Hille, Robert P., Kohr, William J. and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2006). Development of a method to assay the microbial population in heap bioleaching operations. Hydrometallurgy, 83 (1-4), 237-244. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2006.03.054
Moosa, S. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2006). Product inhibition by sulphide species on biological sulphate reduction for the treatment of acid mine drainage. Hydrometallurgy, 83 (1-4), 214-222. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2006.03.026
Farkade, Vivek D., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Pandit, Aniruddha B. (2006). Improved cavitational cell disruption following pH pretreatment for the extraction of β-galactosidase from Kluveromyces lactis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 31 (1), 25-30. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2006.05.015
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2006). Disruption of Brewers' yeast by hydrodynamic cavitation: Process variables and their influence on selective release. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 94 (2), 303-311. doi: 10.1002/bit.20878
Balasundaram, B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2006). Study of physical and biological factors involved in the disruption of E. coli by hydrodynamic cavitation. Biotechnology Progress, 22 (3), 907-913. doi: 10.1021/bp0502173
Clarke, K. G., Williams, P. C., Smit, M. S. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2006). Enhancement and repression of the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient through hydrocarbon addition and its influence on oxygen transfer rate in stirred tank bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 28 (3), 237-242. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2005.11.007
Stevenson, Ryan, Harrison, Susan T.L., Miles, Nick and Cilliers, Jan J. (2006). Examination of swirling flow using electrical resistance tomography. Powder Technology, 162 (2), 157-165. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2005.11.008
Clarke, K. G., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Price, B. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2006). Location of glucose oxidase during production by Aspergillus niger. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 70 (1), 72-77. doi: 10.1007/s00253-005-0031-9
Moosa, Shehnaaz, Nemati, Mehdi and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2005). A kinetic study on anaerobic reduction of sulphate, part II: Incorporation of temperature effects in the kinetic model. Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (13), 3517-3524. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2004.11.036
Farkade, Vivek D., Harrison, Sue and Pandit, Aniruddha B. (2005). Heat induced translocation of proteins and enzymes within the cell: An effective way to optimize the microbial cell disruption process. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 23 (3), 247-257. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2005.01.001
Sissing, A. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2003). Thermophilic mineral bioleaching performance: A compromise between maximizing mineral loading and maximizing microbial growth and activity. Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 103 (2), 139-142.
Moosa, S., Nemati, M. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2002). A kinetic study on anaerobic reduction of sulphate, Part I: Effect of sulphate concentration. Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (14), 2773-2780. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2509(02)00152-5
Nemati, M. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2000). Effect of solid loading on thermophilic bioleaching of sulfide minerals. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 75 (7), 526-532. doi: 10.1002/1097-4660(200007)75:7<526::AID-JCTB249>3.0.CO;2-4
Nemati, M. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2000). Comparative study on thermophilic and mesophilic biooxidation of ferrous iron. Minerals Engineering, 13 (1), 19-24. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(99)00146-6
Nemati, M., Lowenadler, J. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2000). Particle size effects in bioleaching of pyrite by acidophilic thermophile Sulfolobus metallicus (BC). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 53 (2), 173-179. doi: 10.1007/s002530050005
Moosa, S., Nemati, M. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1999). Kinetic studies on anaerobic reduction of sulphate. Process Metallurgy, 9 (C), 697-706. doi: 10.1016/S1572-4409(99)80160-6
Illing, Suzi and Harrison, Susan T. L. (1999). The kinetics and mechanism of Corynebacterium glutamicum aggregate breakup in bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (4), 441-454. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2509(98)00253-X
Robinson, A., Sadr-kazemi, N., Dickason, G. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1998). Morphological characterisation of yeast colony growth on solid media using image processing. Biotechnology Techniques, 12 (10), 763-767. doi: 10.1023/A:1008816702162
Nemati, M., Harrison, S. T.L., Hansford, G. S. and Webb, C. (1998). Biological oxidation of ferrous sulphate by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: A review on the kinetic aspects. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 1 (3), 171-190. doi: 10.1016/S1369-703X(98)00006-0
Reynders, M. B., Rawlings, D. E. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1997). Demonstration of the Crabtree effect in Phaffia rhodozyma during continuous and fed-batch cultivation. Biotechnology Letters, 19 (6), 549-552. doi: 10.1023/A:1018341421122
Cilliers, J. J. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1997). The application of mini-hydrocyclones in the concentration of yeast suspensions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 65 (1), 21-26. doi: 10.1016/S1385-8947(96)03100-2
Breed, A. W., Harrison, S. T.L. and Hansford, G. S. (1997). A preliminary investigation of the ferric leaching of a pyrite/arsenopyrite flotation concentrate. Minerals Engineering, 10 (9), 1023-1030. doi: 10.1016/s0892-6875(97)00081-2
Harrison, S. T.L. and Cilliers, J. J. (1997). The use of mini-hydrocyclones for differential separations within mineral slurries subjected to bioleaching. Minerals Engineering, 10 (5), 529-535. doi: 10.1016/s0892-6875(97)00030-7
Breed, A. W., Glatz, A., Hansford, G. S. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1996). The effect of As(III) and As(V) on the batch bioleaching of a pyrite-arsenopyrite concentrate. Minerals Engineering, 9 (12), 1235-1252. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(96)00119-7
Reynders, M. B., Rawlings, D. E. and Harrison, S. T.L. (1996). Studies on the growth, modelling and pigment production by the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma during fed-batch cultivation. Biotechnology Letters, 18 (6), 649-654. doi: 10.1007/BF00130759
Harrison, S. T.L. and Mackley, M. R. (1992). A pulsatile flow bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (2), 490-493. doi: 10.1016/0009-2509(92)80039-F
Harrison, Susan T.L., Chase, Howard A., Amor, Stuart R., Bonthrone, Karen M. and Sanders, Jeremy K.M. (1992). Plasticization of poly(hydroxybutyrate) in vivo. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 14 (1), 50-56. doi: 10.1016/S0141-8130(05)80020-0
Harrison, Susan T.L., Chase, Howard A. and Dennis, John S. (1991). The lysis of Gram-negative Alcaligenes eutrophus by enzymes from Cytophaga. Biotechnology Techniques, 5 (2), 115-120. doi: 10.1007/BF00159982
Harrison, Susan T.L (1991). Bacterial cell disruption: A key unit operation in the recovery of intracellular products. Biotechnology Advances, 9 (2), 217-240. doi: 10.1016/0734-9750(91)90005-G
Harrison, S. T., Dennis, J. S. and Chase, H. A. (1991). Combined chemical and mechanical processes for the disruption of bacteria. Bioseparation, 2 (2), 95-105.
Harrison, S. T., Chase, H. A. and Dennis, J. S. (1991). The disruption of Alcaligenes eutrophus by high pressure homogenisation: key factors involved in the process. Bioseparation, 2 (3), 155-166.
Conference Papers
Huddy, Robert J., Kadzinga, Fadzai, Rahman, Sumayah F., Kantor, Rose, Banfield, Jillian F. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). Analysis of microbial communities associated with bioremediation systems for thiocyanate-laden mine water effluents. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Smart, Mariette, Huddy, Robert J., Edward, Catherine J., Fourie, Charl, Shumba, Trust, Iron, Jonathan and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). Linking microbial community dynamics in biox® leaching tanks to process conditions: Integrating lab and commercial experience. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Ngoma, Emmanuel, Shaik, Kathija, Borja, Danilo, Smart, Mariette, Park, Jay Hyun, Kim, Hyunjung, Petersen, Jochen and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). Investigating the bioleaching of an arsenic mine tailing using a mixed mesophilic culture. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). South African coal tailings bioflotation for desulphurization using Mycobacterium phlei. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Makaula, Didi, Huddy, Robert, Fagan-Endres, Marijke and Harrison, Susan (2017). Investigating the microbial metabolic activity on mineral surfaces of pyrite-rich waste rocks in an unsaturated heap-simulating column system. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Hessler, Tomas, Marias, Tynan, Huddy, Robert J., Van Hille, Robert and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). Comparative analysis of the sulfate-reducing performance and microbial colonisation of three continuous reactor configurations with varying degrees of biomass retention. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Ghadiri, Mehdi, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Fagan-Endres, Marijke A. (2017). Effect of x-ray µCT scanning on the growth and activity of microorganisms in a heap bioleaching system. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Edward, Catherine J., Kotsiopoulos, Anathasios and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2017). Inhibition Kinetics of Iron Oxidation by Leptospirillum ferriphilum to Residual Thiocyanate Present in Bioremediated Cyanidation Tailings Wastewater. 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Freiberg, Germany, 24-27 September 2017. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/
Opitz, Alexander K. B., Becker, Megan, Harrison, Susan T. L. and Broadhurst, Jennifer L. (2016). Characterising Environmental Risks Associated with Sulfide-bearing Gold Wastes. Annual Meeting of the International-Mine-Water-Association (IMWA), Leipzig Germany, Jul 11-15, 2016. FREIBERG: TU BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG, INST MINING & SPECIAL CIVIL ENG.
van Hille, Rob, Mooruth, Neehal, Marais, Tynan, Naidoo, Nikhil, Moss, Geoff, Harrison, Susan and Muhlbauer, Ritva (2016). Development of a pilot-scale semi-passive system for the bioremediation of ARD. Annual Meeting of the International-Mine-Water-Association (IMWA), Leipzig Germany, Jul 11-15, 2016. FREIBERG: TU BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG, INST MINING & SPECIAL CIVIL ENG.
Duku, Porogo, Minnaar, Sanet H., Harrison, Susan T.L. and Petersen, Jochen (2013). A novel apparatus to determine the bio-oxidation kinetics of sessile Leptospirillum ferriphilum. doi: 10.4028/
Van Hille, Ro B., Van Wyk, Nathan, Froneman, Tamlyn and Harrison, Susan T.L. (2013). Dynamic evolution of the microbial community in BIOX leaching tanks. doi: 10.4028/
Fagan, Marijke A., Ngoma, I. Emmanuel, Chiume, Rebecca A., Minnaar, Sanet, Sederman, Andrew J., Johns, Michael L. and Harrison, Susan Tl (2013). The impact of drip irrigation on heap hydrology and microbial colonies in bioleaching. doi: 10.4028/
Govender, Elaine, Bryan, Christopher G. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2013). True growth rate kinetics: An account of the colonisation and transport of microorganisms on whole low grade ore, at the agglomerate scale. doi: 10.4028/
Broadhurst, Jennifer L., Bryan, Christopher G., Becker, Megan, Franzidis, Jean-Paul and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2013). Characterising the Acid Generating Potential of Mine Wastes by means of Laboratory-scale Static and Biokinetic Tests. International Mine Water Association Annual Conference on Reliable Mine Water Technology, Golden Co, Aug 06-09, 2013. WENDELSTEIN: INT MINE WATER ASSOC.
Tupikina, O. V., Ngoma, I. E., Minnaar, S. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2011). Some aspects of the effect of pH and acid stress in heap bioleaching. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.06.001
Bromfield, L., Africa, C. J., Harrison, S. T.L. and Van Hille, R. P. (2011). The effect of temperature and culture history on the attachment of Metallosphaera hakonensis to mineral sulfides with application to heap bioleaching. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.03.019
Oyekola, Oluwaseun O., van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2011). Kinetic Description of the Competitive Interaction between Lactate Oxidizers and Fermenters in a Biosulfidogenic System. World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2011), San Francisco Ca, Oct 19-21, 2011. HONG KONG: INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG.
van Zyl, Andries W., Harrison, Susan T. L. and van Hille, Robert P. (2011). Biodegradation of thiocyanate by a mixed microbial population. International-Mine-Water-Association Congress on Mine Water - Managing the Challenges, Aachen Germany, Sep 04-11, 2011. AACHEN: RWTH AACHEN UNIV, INST HYDROGEOLOGY.
Hesketh, A. H., Broadhurst, J. L., Bryan, C. G., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2010). Biokinetic test for the characterisation of AMD generation potential of sulfide mineral wastes. doi: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2010.01.015
Oyekola, O. O., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2009). Competition between lactate oxidisers and fermenters under biosulphidogenic conditions: Implications in the biological treatment of AMD. doi: 10.4028/
Africa, C. J., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2009). Investigation and visualisation of microbial attachment trends to sulphide minerals in a bioleach environment. doi: 10.4028/
Harrison, S. T.L., Hesketh, A. H., Van Hille, R. P. and Broadhurst, J. L. (2009). Process decisions focused on the prevention of AMD formation on beneficiating sulfide minerals. doi: 10.4028/
Jones, G., Van Hille, R. P. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2009). Sulfide mineral induced oxidative stress as a limiting factor in tank bioleaching performance. doi: 10.4028/
Van Hille, R. P., Bromfield, L. V., Botha, S. S., Jones, G., Van Zyl, A. W. and Harrison, S. T.L. (2009). The effect of nutrient supplementation on growth and leaching performance of bioleaching bacteria. doi: 10.4028/
Oyekola, Oluwaseun O., Van Hille, Robert P. and Harrison, Susan T. L. (2007). Effect of sulphate concentration on the community structure and activity of sulphate reducing bacteria. Trans Tech Publications. doi: 10.4028/0-87849-452-9.513
Harrison, Susan Ti, Coram-Uliana, Nicolette J., Ntshabele, Kefilwe and van Hille, Robert P. (2007). The effect of multiple stresses on Sulfolobus-like cultures in bioleaching systems:: super-imposing stress responses to metal concentration and solids loading. 17th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Frankfurt am Main Germany, Sep 02-05, 2007. DURNTEN-ZURICH: TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD. doi: 10.4028/
Balasundaram, B and Harrison, STL (2005). Influence of the extent of disruption of E-coli on the adsorption of β-galactosidase in expanded bed adsorption chromatography. 12th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB 12), Copenhagen Denmark, Aug 21-24, 2005. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Oboirien, BO, Searby, G, Cowan, D and Harrison, STL (2005). Kinetic modelling of the fungal biosolubilisation of coal. 12th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB 12), Copenhagen Denmark, Aug 21-24, 2005. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Moosa, S, Nemati, M and Harrison, STL (2001). A kinetic study on anaerobic sulphate reduction - The effect of temperature. 6th International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego Ca, Jun 04-07, 2001. COLUMBUS: BATTELLE PRESS.
Nemati, M and Harrison, STL (1999). Effects of solid particles on thermophilic bioleaching of sulphide minerals. 13th International Symposium on Biohydrometallurgy (IBS 99), Madrid Spain, Jun 20-23, 1999. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Scholtz, NJ, Pandit, AB and Harrison, STL (1997). The effect of solids suspension on microbial cell disruption. 4th International Conference on Bioreactor and Bioprocess Fluid Dynamics, Edinburgh Scotland, Jul 01-03, 1997. EDMUNDS: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PUBL.