Researcher biography

Dr Martin Veidt's research interests are in applied mechanics covering all aspects of through life support of materials and structures with a special focus on composites such as fibre-reinforced laminates, sandwich structures and hybrid metal fibre laminates. This includes quality assurance and quantitative non-destructive evaluation using conventional, guided wave and non-linear ultrasonics; stress analysis and damage mechanics; and experimental determination of mechanical characteristics of materials and interfaces.

He received his Dr sc techn from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich in 1991 and his Dipl Masch Ing ETH from there in 1986. His current research projects are in the fields of:

  • Non-linear ultrasonics
  • Ultrasonic manipulation of microbubbles for drug delivery
  • Functional composites
  • Hybrid composite laminates
  • Light weighting