The March Seminar will be held both in person on campus and available to watch via Zoom 


  • Osama Brinji, PhD Candidate
  • Hussain Al-Sadiq, PhD Candidate

About HDR Final Seminar Series 2021

The HDR Final Seminar Program is a School-wide seminar series where graduating HDR students present a 15 minute seminar for all staff and students.

This program allows staff and students to gain insight to the broad research being undertaken in the School.

All students of the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering are welcome to attend. Attending this seminar will give insight into the research activities currently underway through the School.

The HDR Final Seminar Series is held on the third Friday of each month, 12.00pm–1.00pm.


Room S201
Hawken Engineering Building (50)
or via Zoom