Current students

The School has a range of tools, resources and people to support you on your engineering journey.

If you can’t find answers to your questions here or want to talk one of our support staff email or visit the School Academic Office.

Start preparing to complete your professional practice hours from your first semester of study.
Find information on how to select a project or thesis and enrol.
Gain research experience working alongside leading academics and researchers.
Explore example study plans by program.

Go further in your career

Get career ready with EAIT's dedicated student employability team.
Increase your employability with an overseas experience as part of your EAIT program.


This fund was established by the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering with the support of Emeritus Professor John Simmons in 2015. The fund helps undergraduate students gain more from the extra-curricular activities that make university such a life-changing experience.

Get connected

Kickstart your career and make valuable connections with alumni and industry professionals.
Gain leadership skills, build networks and have some fun by joining an engineering student society.
They're a friendly face you can reach out to if you have questions or issues you'd like to raise.

Have a question?

We're here to help.

The School Academic Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm weekdays, or get in touch via email or phone.


+61 7 3365 3668

School Academic Office:
Level 4
Mansergh Shaw Building (45)
The University of Queensland
Queensland 4072 Australia (Map)